Family Grants
Glasgow Children’s Hospital Charity provides small, immediate, one-off grants to enhance a patient's experience or well-being both within and outwith the hospital environment.
We understand the unforeseen challenges involved in supporting a child with various clinical needs, and are committed to supporting families across NHSGGC facing difficult circumstances.
Our Family Grants exist to support an immediate requirement for funding to ensure specific access to clinical support, as well as supporting the well-being of children and families treated within NHSGGC.
We welcome applications from individuals, family members, professionals, and organisations who are seeking support for a particular patient, family or service involved with Glasgow's Royal Hospital for Children and its associated community and inpatient/outpatient services.

Information for grant applications
Before making an application, please ensure you read our guidelines below and Terms and Conditions.
Applicants will be required to provide a brief understanding of what the money is required for, the medical condition surrounding the application, and the benefits the funding will provide. This also includes a breakdown of costs in addition to the total amount requested to see exactly where the money is being spent.
The maximum value of most individual grants awarded is £60 however special consideration will be given to any specific application which may require a higher grant value, for a very specific reason.
Please be aware that Glasgow Children's Hospital Charity cannot be liable for on-going costs that are associated with your request e.g training, installation, insurance or maintenance; or for assessing the suitability of any items being suggested for purchase. The primary carer or clinical lead must confirm that the purchase being suggested is age and needs appropriate for their child/patient.
Due the immediate nature of this funding provision, clarification must be provided on why instant funding is required. Please reference Covid-19 at this time if applicable.
Our Family Grants are only made possible thanks to the generosity of our donors and fundraisers. We have no control of the amount of funding available at any one time which unfortunately means that not all applications will be successful. In order to ensure your application is as appealing as possible, please contact Heather Kaulfuss:
0141 212 8750
Read our full Terms and Conditions
Download Family Grant Application Form
Submitting your application
Applications can be submitted throughout the year, there are no deadlines for submission as applications are reviewed on a rolling basis due to the immediate nature of the funding required.
Before you submit your application, please ensure that you have read our full Terms and Conditions, as these may affect the success of your application. Read our full Terms and Conditions.
For application submission please send via email to: