Thank You
Oor Wullie's BIG Bucket Trail has been a phenomenal project and we hope you're feeling very proud for contributing bucket loads to it's success!
Our Chief Executive, Shona Cardle, offers her thanks:
"Please accept my most sincere thanks for going above and beyond to support Oor Wullie's BIG Bucket Trail - Scotland's first ever nationwide public art trail. We simply could not have done it without you and we hope you're incredibly proud of your contribution.
"Every single hour given by our generous volunteers helped to shape the campaign and lead to it's success. Whether you were involved in the early days of delivering mini sculptures, out at events raising awareness, helping at one of our special shops or perhaps donning one of our much-loved mascot outfits at our Farewell Weekend, we have relied on the kind-heartedness of volunteers like you to make all this happen.
"Our volunteers gave 2,700 hours of their time during Oor Wullie's BIG Bucket Trail - an outstanding effort."
"From the moment the first sculpture was placed on the plinth, thousands of locals, tourists and families were thrilled to discover these exceptional representations of the nation's favourite son - Oor Wullie - and all the hard work most certainly paid off, with an incredible £419,500 raised at our auction at Kelvingrove Art Galleries."
"Jings, what a summer to remember! On behalf of everyone at Glasgow Children's Hospital Charity, I'd like to offer my heartfelt thanks to each and every one of you. Thanks to your support, Oor Wullie's BIG Bucket Trail will make a vital difference for our young patients and has left a lasting legacy for the charity."